SpRiNg bloSs0msSs, SuMmEr fUnsSs, AuTuMn s0rRoWsSs, WiNtEr l0neLiNeSsS

*~+ sTudY wEekEnd +~*
Monday, August 28, 2006, it's 11:58:00 pm.

today iiso paper...haizya..i hate tis subject e most lar~! can pass can le..haha...slpt at 4am last nite bcoz of studying..haha..n i hate going sch in the morning..no double sitting space on the bus..everytime ve to sit wif stranger...n so cramp...haha...n den i left home arnd 8.15am..reach sch at 8.45am..so fast..haha..den went to sports complex to study..den saw eddy alone..so study wif him...den others came arnd 9.15am...den went in arnd 9.25am...managed to ve a 5 min reading time..haha..spend 45 min on swimlane lor..bcoz is 3 pages den no time finish 1 part of e 1 question wich is lik 4 marks...haiz...den saw keith sitting 5 columns n 1 row back of me...his row ppl all gone le..so c him so clearly...haha

after that called xian whether she wan go home..den she going home oso..but after that she say go buy me n mei mei b'dae..haha....so we took 23 to bugis village..we tok lotsa tings..n she asked me to go wif her to bsc sub comm camp but duno can go anot..haha..she bought a belt a ear ring for me..so thanks her lor..love her so much..muackz...den we bought some cute tings for mei present..haha..shall keep as a secret till our b'dae..haha..den we went to eat...she bought e duno wad n i eat corochan..haha..den we sat at e neoprint der to eat n tok..den we went back to bugis village to c e dress she wan..it look nice but e price oso veli 'nice' haha...after shopping she came my hse..n i get to noe our ladies safra novice..my 1st round is wif jess~! omg~! n fanglu vs georgine...karen vs camelia....elaine vs deborah....is lik oni 1/48 chances to vs our own sch players yet it happened on us~! den we watched Yamashita Tomohisa's P.P.O.I..haha..damn nice n funny...haha

P.P.O.I - main actor of course is Yamashita Tomohisa~! i tink he is arnd 15 or 16 yrs old when he act in tis show wich is arnd 5-6 years back show~! haha..last time he is not as man but veli kawaiii neeehh...haha...skinny n cute~! haha...now he is man n muscular n handsome~! haha.. P.P.O.I is abt tis high sch guy 天野 is in bball team wif his since primary buddy 日下 n he lik tis gal in his class 一之濑...n tis guy frm another sch 鹰丘 fell in love wif 天野 went 天野 is in skirt..haha he thought 天野 is a guy...even gave 天野 a name call joanna...haha..veli funny..den in tis show 天野 n 一之濑 lik each other but their friends 真 also lik 天野..n another guy in their class lik 一之濑...in e end dey dun dare confess their love n till e day 一之濑 change sch..dey finally confessed but 天野 didnt hear it..haha...den tis show basically showing abt their high sch life n abit of bball..haha....do a comparison to Yamashita in P.P.O.I, 野猪大改造 n 诈欺猎人kurosagi....3 different character, look but wif same habit..haha..clumsy, e way his talk and his mouth movement...haha...all can be viewed on youtube..so go watch..haha




[ - 3 dAyS t0 eNd oF eXamiNati0n 4 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

Sunday and Saturday, 26 & 27 August, 2006

weekends..n0 tRaininG..hAha..sAt baSicAlLy sTaYeD aT gRandpAreNts' hSe t0 ceLebRAte b'daE..rEceiVeD prEsEnt fRm c0uSinS~! hAHa..dEn mY b'dAe cAke iS b0ugHt fRm secret receipe...haha..capuccino cheese cake..haha..my mom cooked her new learnt fried pastry fish n prawn wif beer n all e children lik it n e sauce..all say wan bring home e sauce..sauce is specially made..if wan try can come my hse..haha...n we put beer in e pastry but taste lik wine...haha..so everyone lik it~! haha...den we played n watch s'pore idol n tings start happening...1st is when my uncle is playing wif my cousin den every one ve to queue up to beat buttock...end up my 2nd youngest cousin cried~! haiz....juz bcoz beat buttock..nvm...2nd crying matter happened among e older cousins~! 6th cousin accidentally hit 7th cousin w/o knowing den she said nth when kana hit n went out quietly..suddenly my aunty came in n scold my 6th cousin y nv say sorry to my 7th cousin (when my 6th cousin n no one noe 7th cousin kana hit) den my uncle oso scold my 6th cousin..haiz....children problem bcome adult war~! sing b'dae song wif all my cousins den eat e cake..odd combi..everyone so disappointed wif e secret receipe cake~! sour cheese on top bittersweet capuccino cheese in middle bitter chocolate biscuit at e base...odd...ok so disappointed....den received lotsa present~! aha..thanks guyz..

Sunday practically stayed home to study IISO..

Rank of my Cousins :

1. Me

2. My sis

3. Shang Hua

4. Pei hua

5. Pei Wen

6. Pei Ning

7. Xin Yi

8. Xin Lei

9. Shang Yu

10. Xin Min

11. Xin Hui

12. Pei Xuan

[ - 4 dAyS t0 eNd oF eXamiNati0n 5 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

*~+ sTudY wEek + o lvl oRal +~*
Friday, August 25, 2006, it's 1:33:00 am.

t0dAy 1st Day oF paPer~! cMsY~! wEnt ScH..eArly iN m0rNinG~! dEn oN bRidGe sAw pApaYa n atiKah..deN heRe c0meS luLu..hAha..sHe's WeaRiNg a wHite qUitE tRaNsluCent bl0use n 3/4 n iN fuNny c0louRed sliPpeRs n aS uSuaL wiF hEr fiLe~! haHa..dEn wE wEnt t0 sp0rts c0mpleX t0gEthEr dEn wEnt inTo eXaM haLl t0gEther deN wE seParaTe t0 g0 t0 0uR seAts n hEr sEat iS oNi 3 r0ws aWay fRm mY clAsS r0w..hAha..dEn e pApeR iS oK..eXcepT s0me i not suRe..hAHa..diE..oK nVm...1/2 hR b4 eXam eNd i sUbmitTeD mY pApEr n leFt wiF LuLu's fiLe..hAha..dEn wAitEd 4 hEr..mEaNwhiLe sAw jUstiN oUyAng wiF hiS gF aS uSuAl...hAhA...diScuSsiNg e pApEr...sAmE aS lAst tiMe iN sEc sCh..hAha..laMe..hAha..

dEn lUlu fiNiSheD..wE wEnt tM t0 t0p-uP c0ncEsSi0n n eAt..wE aTe pAstA mAniA..hAha dEn sHe w0rkeD deR b4..s0 wE g0t fReE bAnaNa piZza wiF cHoColAte p0wdEr..iS niCe laR..i oRdEred ChiCkeN sAusAge n lulu orDerEd cLayfiSh duNo wAd..hAha..wE t0k aLot~! hAha..hEr stuFf m0sTly...uNdeRstAnd hEr 苦衷 bCoZ siNcE lASt tiMe kArEn peRioD..i aLreAdy uNdeRsTAnd..hAha...pPls iF duN uNdErsTand jUz tReaT tiS aS cRap bC0z i w0nT teLl u wAd hAppEn..hAha...自由有自由的好 交往也有交往的好 但当遇上不该爱的男人时 明知必须放弃 但又会不自拔的投进他怀抱里 这就是爱情的魔力...haha cHiM riTe..hAha..

aFtEr luNch wE wEnt sh0p deN sAw a cUst0m mAde sHirT s0 niCe hahA.. mE n lulu iNtEndiNg maKe 1 f0r 0urSelvEs..hAha..dEn wE wEnT miNit0ons..wE sAw tiS dAmn biG tuRtlE tT cAn c iN aCti0n ciTy aS weLl..hAha..iT c0sT oNi $49.95..oK..pPls sLd n0e wAd i wAn..hAha..n mY b'dAe iS c0miNg..hAha..dEn wE b0th b0ugHt a sAme wAteR b0ttLe~! hAha dEn mEt mElviN dEn wEnt h0mE..

0n e bUs 0nE kiD s0 dAmn n0iSy iN fr0nT mE..kEep sh0utiNg n Sh0uTing cAnt eVeN slp rEach r0cHeR r0aD dEn got peAcE~!

[ - 6 dAyS t0 eNd oF eXamiNati0n 7 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

Thursday, 24 August, 2006

aiYa leFt laSt dAy f0r stUdY wEeK..pRaCticAlLy sTaYeD h0mE sTuDy n wAtcH viDe0s~! hAha wAtChiNg kur0saGi,诈欺猎人...haha is yAmAshiTa t0m0hiSa~! hAha sHuAi gE~! haHa..hE g0t l0ok n hiS aCtiNg dAmn niCe..野猪大改造 oSo hiS sh0w..hE iS 阿彰 iN e sh0w..iN e 诈欺猎人..hE aCt aS e pRo3st cHeAtEr...kuRosAgi,黑崎, which uses both the power of 白崎 and 红崎 t0 chEat~! 白崎 r cHeAteRs hU uSeS pPl fEelinGs t0 cHeaT m0nEy...红崎 r cHeaTeRs hU uSeS l0okS t0 cHeaT m0nEy~! hAha~! hE iS 黑崎 hU spEciAlly ChEAt oN 白崎 bc0z hiS fAmiLy iS kiLled bY a 白崎 n t0 rEvEngE hE wiLl sWaLlow aLl e 白崎 ... hE wiLl rEtuRn hiS viCtimS aLl e m0nEy tT dEy kAna cHeAteD~! iN tiS sh0w bAsiCaLly iS sh0wiNg h0w hE cHeAt~! n hE vE aloT cUst0meS~! iN hiS hSe hE g0t loTsA oF wATcHeS, HaNdpHoNeS..wiGs...sUngLasS..sH0Es..bUt n0 mAtteR wAt hE wEaRs hE l0oks niCe~! hAha..hE aCt vEli c0ol iN tiS sh0w unLikE 野猪大改造 whErE hE aCt liK s0 plAyfuL..bUt n0 maTtEr wAd hE stiLl vEli cluMsY~! hAha~! tiS gAl hU aCteD 野猪 iN e 野猪大改造 oSo iN tiS sh0w sHe iS hiS nEigHb0ur hU aiMs t0 b a p0liCe oFficEr..bUt sHe felL iN l0vE wiF kUr0sAgi~! hAhA~! niCe niCE~! kUr0sAgi s0 p0or tiNg kAna beAt uP tiLl hE cAnt sTanD dEn diSfiGuRed~! haHa...pPl hU wAna wATCh juZ typE 诈欺猎人 iN y0utuBe dEn cAn wATch lE~! haHA niCe sh0w~! neXt sh0w i wAtcHiNg iS oSo hiS sh0w...neXt timE dEn tEll u wAd iSit~! hAHa~!

[ - 1 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 8 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

Tuesday, 22 August, 2006

t0daY iS mY deAth dAy..eNgliSh o's oRal~! haHa s0 neRv0us l0r...hAha..i nV eVeN sTudY bC0z duNo wHeRe r mY b0oks le~! s0 4geT iT le~! hAha...dEn wEnT t0 bEatTy sEc sCh..haHa baSicAlly i cAnt fiNd e mAin gaTe tHus i wAlkeD r0unD e wHole sCh dEn f0unD..hAha..dEn aSked sEcuRitY guArd wHeRe t0 g0..wAh dEn vE t0 wAit eVen th0ugH wE r suPp0se t0 rEaCh aT 1.45 pm (30 min b4 paPeR)..hAiz..eNd uP wAitEd t0 2.10pm dEn wEre aSkeD t0 g0 t0 oNe oF e cLaSsr0om..n0 aiR c0n..laSt tiMe iN ccHmS iN leCtuRe hAlL l0r aiR c0n s0 s0nG~!

wAh hEre h0ldiNg pLaCe clAss r0om...oRal nExt clAsSr0om..deN rEadinG aReA aT c0rRid0r oUtsiDe e clAsSr0oms~! oMg..s0 bAd sErviCe..hAhA..dEn s0 nErv0us..i 1sT pErs0n..hAhA..dEn rEadiNg iS fiNe piCtuRe iS t0k t0 a iNdiAn feMale tEacHeR..sHe smiLe s0 mUch..KinD..dEn c0nVeRsAti0n..e gUy tEacHeR tuRn hE l0ok s0 sTeRn..oMg sCaRy~! e wHole oRal iS aBt sUrpRisEs n sLd s'p0rE b s0 sEri0us~! haHa..g0od t0piC bUt kiLleR tEAchErs...diE..dEn wAs qUrAnTinE aReA wiCh iS neXt t0 e clAsS r0om oF e h0ldIng aReA~! dEn mAnagEd t0 n0e 2 fRiEnds...Suzt Er n dUno wAds hEr nAme bUt sHe iS fRm rP~! hAhA~! wE t0k mUch tiLl wE reAcheD t0a Pay0h iNteRcHangE wHeRe wE spLit n eXchAngE n0~! haHa

[ - 3 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 10 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

*+~ mY wEeKeNds ~+*
Sunday, August 20, 2006, it's 10:14:00 pm.

fiNaLly i g0t mY wEekenD frEed~! i mEaN its tiMe t0 sPenD s0me tiMe wiF mY fAmiLy~! iS liK mtHs i alrdi diD n0t spEnd tiMe wiF mY faMilY eiTheR iS tRaiNinG oR g0iNg oUt~! alTh0uGh 0ni mY m0m n mY sIs aT h0mE bUt sTiLl bEtteR tHaN nTh..

sAt i sKip tRainInG...sTaYeD h0mE t0 d0 h0uSew0rK..wiCh i vE n0t beEn d0iNg mY paRts f0r e pAst feW mtHs~! mY siS diD f0r mE laSt feW mtHs w/0 c0mplaiNs..tHanKs mAn~! i wiLl rEpaY~! hAha~! dEn wE fiNisHeD aLl aSaP den wEnt mAriNa sQuAre eAt cAfe cArteL..mY siS orDeRed e s0fT shEll cRaB..my m0m cHickeN cutLet..mE aS uSuaL cHicKeN n mUshr0om maRc0roni hAha~! eNd uP iS liK $56 s0 eX~! slD n0t vE wEnt~! oK dEn mY m0m tRieD t0 uSe neTs t0 pAy bUt i tiNk Tt pErs0n sp0ilt e cArd n cAnt uSe neTs dEn vE t0 uSe cAsH n mY m0m n0w ne3d t0 wAit tiLl m0n t0 cHanGe hEr cArd...tT's vEli bAd~! tT's mEanS mY m0m n0 m0nEy t0 spEnd~!dEn wEnt aH mAh hSe f0r diNneR aS uSuaL dEn pLay cAriuM (e b0aRd gAme dUno h0w spEll) wiF mY c0uSinS s0 wE oF c0uRse hAd dAmn l0t oF fuN~! hahA~! dEn mY uNcle sEnt uS h0mE n pEi xUaN sAng s0ngs f0r uS oN e cAr~! hahA~! s0 dAmn tiReD~!

t0dAy wAke uP quiTe laTe wEnt eAt r0ti prAta..aS uSuaL cHeEse pRata~! hAhA..s0 l0ng nv eAt pRata wiF mY faMiLy~! dEn wEnt mArkeT wE spiLt w0rK~! mY m0m g0 buY meAt..i bUy egG..mY sis bReaD~! hAha~! aFteR tT wEnT h0mE heLpeD c0ok dEn wAtcHeD tV whEn mY m0m g0 leArn h0w c0ok fiSh fiLlet...aBc s0up..n oNi 5 aTtEndEd e cLasS n mY m0m bR0uGht loTsA bAck..e sAuCe f0r e fiLlet dAmn niCe..s0up ok..sAlad t0o cReAmy~! hAha~! bUt ovEraLl niCe~! haHa..s0 b0riNg wEnt g0 vE nAp wiF m0m n siS iN m0m's r0om aiRcoNed s0mem0Re hAha~! dEn wAtcHed cliCk whiLe eAtiNg diNnEr~! dAmn niCe..m0Ral oF e st0rY...tReAsuRe uR faMiLy~! hAhA~! kk

s0 iN c0ncluSi0n...i hAd fUn wiF mY siMple faMily wEekeNd...n g0 chi0ng gE d0u tiAn wAng...n mY siS iS wAtChiNg kUrosAgi~!

[ - 2 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 5 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 12 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

*+~ a dAy oFf ~+*
Saturday, August 19, 2006, it's 12:35:00 am.

t0daY n0 nEed g0 sCh bCoZ d0nE iiSo pPt lAz wEeK lE~! s0 prAcTicAlLy sTayiNg aT h0mE sTuDy n wAtCh vCd~! n pRacTicAlLy cRyiNg e wHole dAy~! hAHa...

1st sH0w i wAtcHeD iS 宫 i pRactiCallY cRieD aLl e wAy..bC0z iS dAmn sAdDeNinG~! bUt iN e EnD iS a g0od eNdiNg..宫 is g0iNg t0 b teleCast oN cHanNeL u s0on...s0 i giF a bRieD iNtr0..bAsicAlly iS aBt p0litiCs n l0ve n fAmiLy iN k0rEan pAlaCe..yEs pAlAnce~! liK dA cHaNg jIn s0mE pPl stiLl wEaRinG e l0ng cUst0m dResS tT u C iN dA cHanG jIn bUt oNi e gReAt gReat eMpReSs, gReAt eMpRess, eMprEsS n s0me hiGh rAnkIng sErVanTs(ShAng g0ng)...oTheRs liK e kiNg, pRinCeSs, pRinCes, n m0st oF e sErVants r iN f0rmAl oR m0dErN wEar~! haha..dEn iS abT tiS n0rMaL gAl,京, iN aN aRt sCh f0rCeD t0 mArRy e cRoWneD pRiNCe, 信, (aNcEst0rs aGrEemEnt mArRiaGe)...dEy 2 hApPeNeD t0 b iN e SaMe sCh aS wElL~! dEn an0thEr eX-cR0wn pRiNcE, 律, cAme bAck fR0m engLand wiF hiS m0m..eX-qUeEn (hU laTa bCaMe gReAT EmpReSs)...b0tH 信 n 律 feLl iN l0vE wiF e 京 (kAnA cRitiCize bY pUbliC aT 1st) wHile e aDuLts r pLaYinG p0litiCs iN e pAlAcE t0 c0mpEte f0r e tiTle oF e cRoWn pRinCe~! pEepS hU wAnA wATch i wiLl leAvE u aLl t0 guEsS e EnDinG...hAhA...e EnDinG aBiT lUaN bUt stiLl aBit eXpeCteD n aBit uNprEdictAble~! hAha~!

2nD shoW iS 野猪大改造(aMbuLanCe)~! hAha..tiS iS vEli fUnNy sHow bUt rEflECteD rEal hiGh sCh liFe eVeRywHeRe wHeRe dReAms, fiRsT loVe, fReEd0m, pLaSticS, sAb0tAges, bAcksTabBiNg, rElaTi0nshiPs, fRieNdsHips, tRuSt, m0tiVati0ns AnD s0ciAliZiNg r nEcEssitIes iN liFe~! n TrUeLly rEflEctEd mY liFe n0w~! wHeN u WatcH u wiLl uNdErsTand wAd i mEan~! tiS sh0w iS aBt hoW tiS p0pulAr hiGh sCh gUy, 修二toGeThEr wiF hiS cLasSmaTe, 阿彰(hU 修二 fElt iRritAtiNg aT 1sT) heLp tiS sHy,n0t c0nfiDent gAl, 小 谷 (野猪), hU hAd jUz tRansFeR to thEiR sCh n claSs to mAke oVeR..aT 1sT 野猪 iS bEiNg buLliEd bY e ah liAns iN sCh..dEn wiF the help of 修二 and 阿彰, 野猪 bCamE m0re n m0rE p0pulAr(seCrEtly aS boTh guYs dUn wAn oThErs t0 kNoW)..bUt s0mEoNe sEemS t0 b deStr0yiNg eVeRy oF tHeiR pLanS n e 3 vE t0 dEal wiF aLl e neGatiVe tiNgs haPpEniNg~! oN tHeIr wAy oF mAkinG oVeR...loVe stArted n tiNgs bCamE m0rE c0mpliCatEd....e EndIng iS sAdDenIng bUt stiLl qUitE g0od~! iS a g0od sHoW t0 lAugH oVeR wiF bUt iS oSo a g0od rEfLecti0n oN h0w t0 tReaT pPl~! i tiNk ..... slD wAtCh s0 aT leAst n0e wAd iS mEanT bY hYpoCriTes~! hAha...i liK tiS sPeCiaL sEnTenCEs tT oNe oF e tEAcHeRs iN tiS sh0w sAid : "当每个人都不相信你 只要有一个人相信 你就有希望". tiS iS mY siTuAti0n n0w~! peEps niCe sHoW t0 waTch~! g0 aHeaD t0 wATch, lAugH oVeR iT, cRy oVeR iT..n u wiLl leArn s0metiNg frM tiS sh0w~!

aFteR tT..9.30pm wEnt t0 eAt dinNeR wiF m0m aT c0FfEe shoP d0WnsTairS dEn fiNd bLogsKin..tiNkiNg oF d0iNg 1 m0rE a sEcReT oNe s0 i cAn sWeAr, cUrSe, cRy, sCold iNsiDe s0 oTheRs w0nT kN0w~! hahA~!

[ - 4 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe , 7 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 14 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

*~+ TrAiniNg + Li shEng jiE c0nCeRt +~*
Thursday, August 17, 2006, it's 11:22:00 pm.

t0daY iS liK s0 slAck...wEnt t0 sCh aT 9aM f0r lAst mAcec0ns tut0riAl~! oK..dEn gEt bAck oUr c0uRsew0rk mArks~! iS liK pRojEct iS "B" loR...dEn puLl mY oVeRalL d0wN t0 "B+"..sAd sIa~! nEeD bUcK uP f0r alL mY suBjEcts~! dEn cHioNg c0mMskiLl pRojEcT~! n s0 brAin cRaCkiNg~! oK~! i hAte hAngiNg oUt wiF ....~! s0 hyp0cRitE~! i mEan eVeRy siNgLe m0mEnt n oNe~! i rEaLli hAte iT~! bUt n0 cHoiCe~! aTtEnDed laSt mAcec0ns LecTurE~! diD s0me plAstErciNe~! loVe sAm n JeSs sAvE mE~!

wEnt t0 li SheNh jiE's c0nCerT iN sCh~! s0 hiGh n NiCe~! iS liK hiS s0nG s0 niCe~! g0t kAreN, sAm, JeSs, siN hWee, chEn kAi...mY cLaSs pPl wEnt bUt As i sAid i Wif squAsh pPl n s0mE rEAs0ns~! oK......jUz hAd fUn~! liFe vE bEeN mEaniNglEss lAteLy~! jUz sCh n sTuDy~! hAte hAnginG oUt wiF ....~! jUz fEel liK sTayiNg iN sTackS oF b0okS wHeRe oNi bo0ks aRen't hYpoCriTes...gUys n Gals r hyPocRitES~! jUz a mAtTeR oF sEri0usneSs~! i wisH that ...............~! wAd e heLl~! eVeRywHeRe hYpoCritEs r eVerYwhEre esPeciALly ....~!

[ - 5 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 8 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 15 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

Wednesday, 16 August, 2006

t0daY siAneD dAy~! lAst b AcCtinG n cMsY tuToRiaL~! iNtEndEd t0 g0 lEctuRe bUt duE t0 s0mE rEas0ns i dUn liK hAng oUt iN sCh~! dEr for wEnT h0me~! tiNgs cHanGed~! jUz bCoz heLp 1 fRieNd~! s0mE oNe t0ld mE beFoRe i sLd n0t cAre s0 muCh aBt mY fRieNdS fRieNds wiLl uSe mE n bEtRay mE~! tT's TrUe~! eVeRy wHeRe~! oK rEaLli sux~! i Tink s0cialiZing iS n0t a g0od tiNg t0 d0 aFtEr aLl~!

[ - 6 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 9 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 16 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

Tuesday, 15 August, 2006

t0daY...12 rEacHed sCh t0 cHi0ng c0mMskiLl~! tiLl 3pm whErE pPl g0 lEctuRE oF coUrSe oF e s0mE rEAs0ns i dUn liK g0~! wEnT sQuaSh c0uRt wAit 4 jIa bA0..sAw giDeoN n jUnE iN cHeErs~! oK dEn leTs g0 sQuaSh c0urT t0gEthEr~! sHaWn n hAo miNg cAme aS wEll sHaWn b'DaE dEn hE rUsHed oFf~! dEn wHen i WaiTing 4 jiA bAo i pLayInG wiF siN hWee dEn kEith aSkeD uS d0 pAsSpoRt~! 50 foRehAnd n 50 bAckhAnd~! siN hWeE n jUne fiNiShEd 1sT~! dEn jiA bAo wEnT t0 pLay wiF hA0 miNg~! oK..aFTer tT mE plAyeD wiF jiA bAo shE diD paSspoRt aS wEll bUt sHe rAn e wh0le c0uRt~! haha~! dEn aFteR tT i plAyeD wiF jUne n jiAba0 3/4 dEn keNnEth, hEndi, VinCent j0inEd iN~!

aRnd 6.30pm tRaiNiNg dEn sTaRt~! oK tT laTe~! dEn wE diD buTteRfly f0r 50 r0uNds tWicE wiF tiMiNg tAkeN~! i CaN d0 bUttErflY bUt i dUn0 hoW aPplY iN gAmeS~! uSeLesS mE~! oK dEn c0aCh diD bAckhAnd dRive f0rEhAnd cRoSsc0uRt wiF uS~! oK i pRacTicaLly d0iNg wRonG tiNgS~! dEn c0aCh tEaCh uS sErVe..mY sErvE suX.. i tiNk mY sTAnDarD dr0ppinG~! oK n0 timE t0 buCk uP stUdY c0mEs 1sT~! dEn filled iN naMe f0r SafRa n0viCe~! n0 tiMe tRaiN~! diE~! wEnt dInNeR aS uSuaL dEn e dEsSeRt aUnTy sAy i nV pAy..eVeRy0nE sAw i pAid oNi e aUnTy sAy~! po0r sErVicE~! dEn wE diScuSs abT h0w t0 kiLl fRogs n Eel~! EeEeK~! oUr cAptaIn iS s0 sAdist~!

[ - 7 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 10 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 17 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

*~+ fiRew0rKs + nUs trAiLth0n ~+*
Monday, August 14, 2006, it's 10:34:00 pm.

nV p0sT siNcE frI s0 wRitE aLl aT a g0~! siNcE e m0sT rEcEnt 1 iS oN e t0p i sHalL pUt e LasTesT oN e t0p aS wEll~!

t0day iS a qUite a lAzY dAy f0r mE~! laZ niTe i slp aT 9pM dEn w0kE uP aT 9aM~! hAha bCoZ sAt spEnt a nite aT nUs nV slP dEn whEn h0mE slp aLot~! dEn wEnt Sch aT 12..lUcKY chEn KaI m3 e li ShEng JiE c0nCeRt dEn i mAnAgE cAlL sAm heLp mE qUeuE dEn siN hWeE n jEsS 1 oSo sAm heLp oNi kAreN's 1 iS cHeN kAi tT sIde heLp~! hAhA~! rEaCh e qUeuE cAnT fiNd sAm bUt sAw pResilla dEn sAw h0nG tUaN dEn sAw yi WeI...dEn yI wEi oFfErEd t0 hELp uS gEt..hAHa..hE s0 kiNd mEh~! hAha..End uP sAm bAi tu0 yI wEi hELp mE, hEr n sIn hWeE gET hE heLp h0nG tUan oSo~! hAhA..dEn wEnt t0 d0 c0mMskILl pRojEct~! wE dId tiLl 4pM dEn g0 iiSo tUt0riAL~!

dEn aFtEr Tt cALleD cHeN kAi c hE g0iNg aGm~! dEn hE say hE aT tM dEn sAy g0t c0nVeRsE fAiR~! oMg i WaN bUy tInGs bUt n0 m0nEy dEn cHeN kAi oFfEreD t0 bUy f0r mE~! oK..tT's vEli kInd oF him..hAHa~! dEn bUy 2 sHirT aT $25 dEn s0 pAi Seh..lEt hiM pAy f0r mE..hAHa..hE sAy iS f0r mY b'dAe..tHankS CheN kAi~! hAhA..oK 2dAy sTiLl vE t0 cHiOng c0mMskiLl pRojEct..mEeTing aT 12pM aT liBrArY pRojEct r0om 1 6th fLo0r~!

[ - 8 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 11 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 18 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

Sunday, 13 August, 2006

wAh wAke uP dAmn eARly..5.30 wAke uP le~! bCoz oF e nUs tRaiLth0n sLp aT nUs mPsH 1~! bEnjAmiN wEnT oFf dAmn eArly aT 3.30am dEn wE mAnaGeD t0 gRAb a nAp aT 4.30am tiLl 5.30am dEn oFf wE g0 t0 eAst c0aSt~! wE wEnt dEr kAna aSsiGneD aS lAp c0untEr aT sPaRk's C eNd uP wAitEd tiLl 8.30 oSo nTh d0 dEn n0 brEakfAst oSo..s0 loUsY~!

oK nVm..eNd uP kAna aSkeD t0 b fiNisHinG lIne r0aD mArshALls~! sUpp0sEd t0 aSk dEm kEep riGht t0 e fiNisHing LiNe~! n e fIniShiNg b0aRd iS n0t fAcinG e r0uTe e c0mpEtit0r iS rUnNinG iN~! iS fACinG aNothEr siDe..sTupiD~! hAhA eNd uP e c0mpetit0r aLl s0 bluR~!dEn oRgAniZeR oSo nV teLl uS tT dEr r 2 l0opS rUnNEr~! dEn wheN c0mpEtit0r aSkeD wE duNo~! oMg~! p0oR oRgAniZiNg~! dEn kaNa sColdEd bY aLot c0mpeTitoR~! dEn eNd uP oRGAnizeR cAmE n tEll uS wiCh iS liK alrEady 10 rUnNeRs rAn pASt liao~! DeN dEr iS an0tHeR c0mplAins~! kiDs r n0t aSkeD t0 u-tUrn~! tT's y dEy rUnnIng vELi fAr~! dEn kana sColdeD bY e c0mpEtiT0r's paRents~! dEn eVerYtIng wEnt QuitE sm0oth jUz Tt e laSt fEw c0mpEtit0rs r l0ng diStancE rUnnErs..e laSt rUnNeR iS liK uNeXpeCteDly sLoW tT wE wAitEd aRnd 1 hR f0r hEr n rAinEd~! n e LunCh dEy pr0viDe iS cHicKeN riCE wiF dAmn l0t rIce n 3 pieCes oF chIcKeN n a SmaLl Sc0pe oF vEg~! sTinGy~! dEn hELp t0 d0 e cLeaRinG uP wHeRe wE gET dIrty n iNjuRed~! g0t 3 blUe blACks oN leG n bLEeD~! suCks mAn~! dEn wHen wE waN gET e c0mpEtit0r sHirT..dEy dUn aLloW uS tAk..eNd uP mAnaGeD tAK 1 xS wIcH iS liK thEir sAmple oNi~! n gET a g0odY bAg fiLled wiF eXpiRed mAgaZinE n s0mE uSeleSs tiNgs (protEin boTtle iS e beSt) n dEy gIf e oFficiaL oRanGe sHirT~! tT's alL s0 cHeaP lab0uR~!

rEAch h0mE..wAtcHed tiAn..sHi w0 aI nI~! s0 t0uChiNg...iS liK dEr iS 1 liNe g0eS liK tT : " bEsiDEs bEinG uR guArdiaN aNgEL, i WAn t0 liFe wiF u f0reVa...i wiLl aWhileS aT uR siDe t0 pr0tEct y0u..i wiLl mAk suRe i sTand aT a diStaNcE wHeRe u tUrn aRnd u wiLl aLwaYs C mE wAitiNg f0r u~!" s0 sWeEt~! bUt s0 sAd..e gUy hU sAid Tt dIeD iN tsUnAmi n cAmE bAck aS a GuARdiAn aNgeL t0 mAke sUrE tT e gAl iS hAPpy dEn hE leAvEs~! e nEcKlACe iS DAmn nIce~! iS a diAm0nD wiF a paiR oF wiNgS liK aN aNgEL~! h0w i WiSh tT dEr's A gUy cAn giF mE tT nEcklace~! dEn s0 tiRed~! sLp aT 9pM

[ - 9 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 12 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 19 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

Saturday, 12 August, 2006

oK wAke uP eARly t0 g0 tRAinIng n d0 pr0jeCt~! rEAcH sCh aT 10aM t0 d0 c0mMskIll dEn wEnt tRAiniG dEn jUz pLayEd bOaSt wiF yI wEi~! dEn c0acH sAy i sLd plAy m0rE liK iN tErmS oF uSinG wAd i LeaRned iN gAmeS~! tT diFficuLt~! o g0oD h0w aM i suPpoSe t0 d0 tT~! n c0aCh sAy i slD plAy wIf a Style s0 tT vEli sEh~! h0w?! oK aFtEr Tt pLayEd wiF jUnE n fAngLu n piWeN dEn ha0 miNg dEn aFteR wEnt h0me d0 h0uSew0rK~!

aT niTe..tAk mRt t0 bu0nA viSta dEn tAk 95..fiRsTly, duN0 h0w g0 95 bUs st0p dEn wHen d0wnStAirs sAw a b0Ard dEn wHen uP cRoSs dEn tAk 95...b0ARd e bUs lE duNo wHicH st0p t0 dr0p~! dEn dr0peD 2 st0ps eArliEr~! oMg dEn tAk 95 aGain t0 e c0rRecT bUs st0p~! dEn aLight wiF a Grp oF pPl dEn aSked a nUs sTudEnt~! dEn rEAchEd e mPsH 1 wHeRe eVeRy oNe lo0keD s0 oLd wE l0ok s0 y0unG~! oK dEn bRieFing sTarT aT 10 pM iNsTEaD oF 9pm dEn wE wEnt t0 cHeErs t0 bUy tiNgs t0 eAT dEn i BouGht a paiR oF sliPpeRs At chEeRs aT oNi $3..hAha~! dEn wE wEnt baCk eAT n study aT e sAme timE~!

[ - 10 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 13 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 20 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

Friday, 11 August,2006

t0day..iiSo pPt diD mY pRojECt t0 3.30am n wAke uP aT 6.30 t0 g0 sCh to d0 prOjECt aGain~! oUr m0dEl iS a sUpEr comPuTeR tT cAn tuRn 360 degRee~! hAha~!oUr iNtro iS d0nE bY dErRicK f0lLoWeD bY tK hU iS liK sAid t0 b oFF tRacK n dEn sTeph dEn miNe dEn lEaH's dEn pApaYa~! n e c0mp lags aloT siAneD~! s0 tiReD~! sTiLl g0t b AccTinG mAke uP t0 aTtend~! siAneD

dEn aT 2pm wEnt mEet sAm n jEsS t0 cuT hair jiAbAo n HuiLinG j0inEd t0 g0 aS wEll~! sAm fiRst cuT dEn jEss lAsT dEn mE~! mY hAir s0 mUch tiLl Cut s0 l0nG n iS dAmn l0nG~! oK dEn i cUt oFf mY cuRL dEn bUt stiLl cuRlED baCk aFtER awhiLe~! oK nvM it lo0keD abit wEiRd~! i pAiD $14 t0 cUt bCoz loNg hAir~! dEn wE wEnt t0 eAt p0tAto cRAb roLl iTs Damn NiCe dEn wE wEnt t0 tM tAk mRt t0 ciTy haLl t0 wAtch fiRew0rks~! hAHa....

wE rEachEd deR aT 7.30pm wHere e bRidgE iS fiLlEd wiF pe0ple n Thus wE wEnt t0 e mAin STagE dEr t0 waTch n mAnaGEd t0 gRAb a pLacE nEaR e front~! oK wE pLAyeD c0ncEntRAti0n f0r aRnd 1 n 1/2 hR~! dEn fiRew0rks sTartEd~! iTs iS liK s0 dAmn nIce~! omG..niCeR dEn tUe oNe hAha~! dEr iS liK tiS f0unTaiN 1 wHeRe wHen it expl0de iT wiLl dEn dRop leaving trAcks wHen fAlliNg d0wn~! iS liK wAtEr f0untAin~! dEn dEr's 1 tT iS liK sHo0tiNg StaRs wHen iT eXpl0de iT wIlL flY 2 e siDe leAving TraCks~! n s0me eVen eXpl0dE jUz aBovE wATeR tT iS l0okS liK skiiNg oN wATEr~! dAmn nIce~! dEn i HeaRd SaM sHouTing oMg All e Time~! n dER iS 1 c0uPle iN fRont oF mE tUrneD aRnd t0 tAk piCts dEn eNd uP tAk dEiR fAce oNi cAnt eVen c e fiREworks~! dEn wE tRieD t0 mEet karen, shaWn, hAo minG, jiAn fEng, chEn kAi n bRanDon..jiAbAo's mAin m0tiVe iS t0 mEet brAnd0n~! haHa...bUt pHoNe liNe jAmMeD uP~! haHA..bUt wE maNaged t0 mEeT dEm aT U2 d0or aT ciTy liNk (wiCh shAwn cAllEd it a tuNnEL~!)..hAO miNg wEnt oFf wiF paRents...brAndoN nV j0in dEm aT aLl~! dEn sHaWn, jiAn fEng And chen Kai wEnt oFf aT ciTy HAll mRt ( 2/3 oF e fACes r s0 uNwiLliNg t0 leAve)..hAHa~!

dEn wE wEnt t0 eAT aT fUnaN IT mAlL wHeRe All aRe liK cLosEd eXcePt maCs~! bUt haVen fInisH kAna cHased oUt lE~! deN oN e wAy t0 mRt..a grp oF gUys r liK s0 gu0 fEn~! wAlk bEhinD uS dEn kEep sAyIng CuTe cutE~! dEn dEy waLk dAmn nEAr t0 huiLing dEn jiAbAO end uP dRaggEd hEr aWay dEn leFt me n kAren wAlking bEhind~! dEn wE aLl wALk s0 dAmn fASt aS e guyS wAlk s0 fASt aS wELl~! dEn i puLled kAreN wAlk fASt oSo~! s0 g0t st0maChaCh bUt iF shE st0p dUno wAt e GuyS d0~! oK luCky g0t mE~! dEn luCky wE reAchEd mRt dEy wE aLl SPilT~! haHa~! wEnt h0me BaThe uSed c0mp dEn slp iN fr0nt oF c0mp~!

[ - 11 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 14 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 21 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

*~+ bRAnDoN's b'dAe +~*
Thursday, August 10, 2006, it's 11:18:00 pm.

t0daY iS bRAnDon's 17th b'dAe~! hAha~! oK wE aCtuAlLy wAnt t0 ceLebRatE hIs b'Dae dUriNg tRaiNinG..bUt hE n0t c0miNg...mSg hIm nV r3pLy~! hAhA jiA bA0 aLmoSt g0 bUy cAkE lE~! hAhA...bUt e gAls sHaReD a niKe sHiRt f0r hIm...hAhA s0 xiN fU~! dEn mElvIn wAn a mElt0sE n mEltIN ouTinG dEn mAybE oN mY b'DAe dEn hE aSk mE g0 oRgAniZe mYseLf lAmE loR..

t0dAy mAcEcoNs Q & A wAh fLunK..bCoZ i DuN eVen AnS a qUeSti0n~! mE n Rod siLenT aLl e WAy..jiA hAo n StePh tAlk~! hE dUn eVeN tAlk aNy oF mY t0piC~! h0w i AnS~! dEn iN c0mMskiLl..mRs. ch'nG sAy g0t oNi 5 pPl gEt "B"s,9 "C"s, 5 " D"s, 1 "F"...i dUn0 hU e "F" bUt suRe iS mE le LoR...haHA..aFtER tT i wEnt sQuaSh c0uRt..wAntEd t0 pLaY bUt g0t pPl...d0rEen iS dEr wiF hEr fRieNd tT's wHeN wEi jIe cAmE~! aFtER tT wEi jIe plaYed..i jUz sTaRtEd mY pr0jEct...c0uRt emPty..s0 i AsSumE laTa n0 oNe wiLl c0mE s0 i c0nTiNuEd d0 mY pr0jeCt~! h0W i Noe AfTeR tT a gRp oF pPl (n0ne n0e h0w pLaY sQuAsh)..dEy s0 seLfiSh..DeY b0ok b0th c0uRt s0 cAnt plAy dEn dEy eVen askeD uS h0w t0 play oUr "kInd" cAptaIn tElL dEm wHeRe slD dEy hIt dEn dEy c0ntiNue..cAptaiN sLd g0 d0wn teAch sTrokEs oSo..bUt oUr cAptAin sHy sHy dUn DAre g0..hAhA..dEn hE aCted neRdy gEeK g0 bUy vEgEtAble RiCE..lo0k fuNny i WanT tAk d0wN piCt bUt hE duN wAn leT mE..hAhA..dEn i hAte dRaWinG pPl...i dRew e pPl f0r iiSo s0 uGly dEn aSk cAptAin hElp mE dRaw eNd uP hE dRaw liK sTatuS liK Tt..aFtEr tT hE tRy wRite mE, ChEn KaI cHiNeSe nAme..bUt aLl wRonG..dEn hE sTarTed plAying piCti0nAry..hE dRaw s0mE tiNgs tT wiLl rePresEnt s0mEoNe's nAme..hahA vELi CutE~! dEn jiAba0 cAme sHe cAnt guEsS riTe aNy oF dEm..haHa..n i FouNd oUt oUr cAptAiN quIte cReAtiVE..hAha

dEn wE pLayeD 3/4 aLl e WAy wIf guO wEi, jIan fEnG, ShaWn, hAomIng, cAmeLiA, kEitH, jIabAo n CheN kai..aFtER Tt jIan fEnG, ShaWn, hAomIng, cAmeLiA, jiA bAo n mELviN toGeThEr wE g0 eAt dInneR aT e c0fFeE sh0p bEsiDe kFc~! dEn wE eVeN dA bAo baCk f0r kaReN n siN hWeE~! dEn wE wEnT baCk pLAy sQuAsH agAin..dEn wE wAtCh a uSa tEam v.s. teMasEk bBaLl tEaM..Dey Lik c0mE hErE tEAch oUr tEam 1 l0r..HahA..dEn dEy g0t mAtCh~! tP iS tRAsH wiF 50 p0ints diFfEreNt~! tT's e lArgEsT diFfEnCe iN sCoRe iN bBaLl i eVa wAtCheD..i tHouGht oNi c0miCs wiLl haPpen~!dEn g0t tiS sCenE iN r 4th quArtEr iS liK 4 tP pLaYeRs tRyiN t0 pUt e bAlL iNt0 e lo0p bUt aftEr sEvEral aTtEmptS stiLl fAilEd~! omG~! e uSa plAyeRs duN eVen snAtCh e bAll oR wAd..e bAll juZ cAnt gEt iN e lo0p..aFteR tT stiLl kaNa snAtCheD bY e uSa plAyeR........tT's e sTanDarD difFeReNce~! i nV c0nTinuE wATcH aFTeR fEw miNs oF 4th quArtEr iS meAniNgleSs~! c0ntiNuEd plAy sQuaSh~!

aRnd 9.05..wE g0 h0mE le~! mE chEn kAi b0aRd aT e bUsst0p aT e sCh siDe...jiA ba0 n cAmeLia aT oPp0 sCh siDe~! i NeEd rUn h0mE aGaiN~! oMg~! bUt "kiNd" cHeN kAi oFfErEd t0 sEnD mE h0mE~! sAyiNg tT dErs 147 aT oUr hSe hEre tT hE cAn g0 h0mE~! bUt hE suRe rEaCh h0mE veLi lATe~! deRfoRe i tUrnEd hiM d0Wn..hAha~! dEn hiS bUs cAme s0on~! mY bUs cAmE s0on AFtEr hiS oSo~! hAha..s0 iS n0t s0 bAd aFtER aLl bCoz i eNd up rUnNing h0me bCoz i sTilL nEed sEnd tK hIs viSio wIch i duNo iSsit e nEweST`! haCk cAre~! oK i neEd g0 cHi0nG mY iiS0 le~!

[ - 12 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 15 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 22 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

*~+ nAti0nal dAy +~*

hApPy nAti0naL dAy t0 aLl~! t0dAy iS s'p0rE's 41th yRs oLd~! t0dAy iS liK n0rmAl wEekEnDs~! m0m wAke m3 uP aT 10.30 s0 eArly ~! dEn eAt bReaKfAst~! m0m wEnt mArkEt dEn m3i wAsh cLothEs i f0lD cLoThEs~! siAned tT iS wAd w3 d0 duRinG wEeKeNd~! hAhA~! dEn heLp m0m c0ok lunCh cUm diNnEr~!

n0 tiMe rEsT~! siAnzzzz...aFtEr lUnCh c0ok diNnEr cUm tmL meAls~! bUt aFtEr diNnEr g0t tiMe liAo wAtCh nDp tEleCasT oN chAnNel 8~! fuLl oF tEchNicAl fAulTs~! 1St iS suDdEnly n0 s0uNd (jUz niCe dAd cLoSe e ToiLeT d0oR t0 oN e aiR c0n - dAd thOuGht iS oUr tV pr0b)...dEn e gRaphIcs g0t pRoB~! oMg tiS iS e lAst tiMe nDp aT nAti0naL sTadiUm n yEt dEy vE s0 muCh tEchNicAl pRob~! n e pErfOrmAnCes r sHort bUt e fiRe w0rKs r nIce bUt n0t aS niCe aS e oNe aT eSplAnaDe~!

wHeN rEacHinG e eNd oF sHoW..e tHouGht oF " tiS iS e laSt tiMe cAn c nAti0nal sTadiUm"...nAti0nAl sTaDiuM iS whErE i 1sT tiMe j0in trAck n fiEld m3et (iN sEc 3 jAveLiN)...tT iS whErE w3 cHeEreD f0r cHuNg ChEng HigH sCho0l (mAiN) iN e 4 sChoOls c0mBinE sPorTs mEet (duMan HiGh, tEmaSek sEc and ngEe Ann sEc ) f0r e pAst 4 yEaRs~! dEr iS whErE wE wiTneSsEd cHuNg ChEng gEt e 0veRaLl cHaMpi0nsHip iN e LaSt c0mBinEd sCh mEet~! dEr's wHeRe wE sh0weD ouR cHunG chEng sPiRit iN ouR ChEeRs~! cHunG chEng wiLl aLwaYs b e chAmpiOn in oUr hEartS~!

sPeAkinG oF cHunG cHeng i MuZ fInD 1 dAy g0 bAck tAk a l0ok~! i nV g0 bAck liAo siNce i gEt mY o lvL cErt wIch iS liK b4 sCh sTarTs~! oMg...i mUz g0 bAck c mY f0rEvA sEc 1s ( n0w sEc 2 squAd le)...

oK..i mUz n0w oFfiCiaLly aNnounCe : i aM a v0lunTeEr iN NUS tRiatHloN oN 13th AugUst~! e pErs0n iN-cHaRge jiA yUaN cALled duRing LunCh t0 tell m3 e dEtaiLs...thurs n fRi slD g0 d0wn hElp oUt 1..bUt g0t sCh...hEnCe..wE dEciDeD t0 sTay iN NUS oN sAT...s0 sUn m0re c0nVeniEnt..cHeN kAi iS g0iNg aS wElL...kArEn n SiN hWeE vE iMf tRainIng dEr4 dEy r uNaBle 2 g0..hAha~!

[ - 13 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 16 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 23 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

*~+ fiRew0rKs sInGap0rE +~*
Tuesday, August 08, 2006, it's 11:50:00 pm.

t0daY s0 s0nG~! slp t0 11aM dEn wAkE uP bUt g0t tEsT~! cMsY tEsT~! s0 cHiM l0R~! wAd iS bUseS~! n iS n0t sBs bUs l0r iS bUsEs iN c0mpUteR wiCh iS liK e chAnnEl tHat aLloWs dEviCes t0 c0mMunIcAte witH oNe an0tHeR~! n wAd PCI, AGP, ISA, IRQ#,DRQ#,DACK#...alL tiS s0 b0riNg~!

rEacH sCh, n0 oNe wEaR rEd wHitE iN cLaSs..s0 n0t enThu 1~! n Is liK i 4g0t g0t lAb dEn nV pRinT lAb shEet~! luCky kiNd rAshiD g0 pRinT f0r uS~! hAha~! dEn eNd uP e mR w0o teLl uS teSt n0t gRadEd jUz pRacTiCe~! siAned~! nVm..aFteR tT e lab w0rK iS s0 mEsSy~! kEep gEtTinG wRonG tinGs d0 uNtiL m3 n rAshiD wAn pek CeK le~!

aFtEr tAt i w3nT locKeR f0und oUt dEy heLp m3 tAk aLl my tIngS oUt le eV3n jUne's sPoRt cLuB sHiRt~! siAneD~!s0 v3 t0 g0 doWn tAk bAck mY tiNgs t0 pUt bAcK iN loCkEr~!dEn g0 dEr haVen sTaRt trAinInG~! hAhA~! bUt i lEavE vEli fAst~! haha

wEnT hOmE chAnge dEn wEnT oUt t0 wAtCh fiRew0rks aT esplAnaDe~! wAh s0 rUsH..rUsh diNnEr aT bEndEmeEr mArkeT..rUsH t0 laVenDeR mRt..rUsH t0 ciTy LiNk..sTuCk iN cRowD oF fLowinG pe0plE~! tT's whEre u C kA ji0nG sinGap0rE spIdeRs =X~! haha..oK e fiRew0rKs r aMaziNg s0 biG n nIce~! fRi mUz g0 waTch aGain hEarD g0t fiRew0rKs tT wiLl sKii oN wATeR 1~! hAha~! dEn whEn g0 h0mE u C 3 iMagInArY tRafFiC liGhts aPpEarInG wiThiN 1 KM oF rOad pPl cRoSs rOad liK n0 oNe's buSinEsS~!dEn e wHoLe r0aD iS jAmMeD uP dEn ppl sQuEezE uP e bUs liK dUn0 wAt..eNd uP cAnt tAk 133 vE to tAk 70 t0 pAyA lEbaR dEn cHanGe tRain t0 laVendEr t0 tAk oUr cAr dEn h0mE wE g0~!

[ - 14 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 17 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 24 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

*~+ streSsFul c0mMskiLl dAy ~+*
Monday, August 07, 2006, it's 11:58:00 pm.

sIanEd~!i nV gEt t0 c0mpLeTe mY c0mMsKilL sUmMatiVe tEst~! iS liK s0 rUsH~! sUrE fAiL~! oMg~! h0w?! tmL sTiLl vE cMsY tEst~! sTrEsS~! hAv3n sTarT stUdyIng yEt~!

t0dAy iS aBnoRmAl~! i wiLl wAke uP iMmeDiaTely aFteR aLaRm rAng~! s0 n0 ch0iCe deCidEd t0 g0 B aCcTinG~! n i feLt tImE pAst sLoW iN e mOrnIng~! i lEfT h0mE aT eXacTly 8 n i ReAch sCh aT 8.30...tT's eArLy..i wAiteD f0r w3i LiN d3y alL n eNd uP laTe 4 aCct... dEn f0uNd 0uT i bRouGhT wRonG lEctuRe n0tEs~! iT slD b lEctuRe 13 iNstEad oF 12~! hahA~! s0 pAisEh~! n3eD b0rRoW fRm w3iLiN aGaiN~!

eVeRyWhErE i C pPl wEaR e teAm tEmAsEk sHiRt i s0 bU sHuAng~! i 0rDeReD duRinG mY 1sT sQuAsH m3eT mAtCh tiLl n0w i sTiLl n0t rEc3ivEd d3n dEy n0w tElL uS is $5.50 iNstEad oF $3...siAneD...haha.....d3n cHen Kai mSgeD m3 sAy eNd uP n0 fReE f0od..tT whErE i fEeL thaT luCky nV w3aR iF n0t s0 pAisEh~! haHa

aFtER sCh...sAw giDeoN n jUnE aT mUsHr0om dEn jUnE aSk m3 p3i hEr g0 mAriNa bAy d0 rEseRvaTi0nS~! s0 wE w3nt..n w3 wAitEd f0r e bUs aT mAriNa bAy mRt f0r alMosT 45 mIns~! dEn wHeN wE abT tAk cAb..bUs CamE n wAs pAck~! oYa...jUnE w0rE f0rMaL n iS dAMn laDy lIke~! hAha~! dEn wE maDe rEseRvaTioNs..wE t0ok cAb bAcK t0 mAriNa bAy mRt aGain~! hAha...d3n dEr iS whErE wE paRt aT rAfFleS pLaCe~!

s0 sAd~! my pArenTs cAncEl e trIp to wAtch fIreWorKs tMl~! bUt mAybE cHangE t0 fRi~! y DadDy kEep wAnTinG m3 qUiT sQuAsH n j0iN th0sE stuPiD clUbs..s0 b0rInG l0r~!i l0vE sQuAsh~! y mUz hE aLwAys 0pPoSe iN wAd i d0~! oYa~! 2Day i wEnT t0 fiLl uP f0rM t0 j0iN BSC~! fiNaLly~! wAiTeD dUn0 siNcE wHeN~! bUt dUn0 wiLl gEt iN aNot~! n iF steF j0in TPSU i wIsH t0 j0iN oSo..bAob3i LinDeE iS jOiNinG BSC aS wEll~! mY cLaSs gALs mAj0riTy j0iNinG aS wElL~! hAha~! mY n3w IP ZoNe shIrt kAna sTaiNeD pInK~1 wEar 1sT tiMe piNk coLouR liAo~! sAddEd~! tIs fEw dAys i M gEtTiNg dAmn cLoSe t0 s0mE onE bUt bEtTeR n0t t0o cLoSe lAta sCanDals StArT~! muZ kEeP mYseLf aWaY fRm sCAnDals tiLl afTer sQuAsh cHaLet~! aT m0sT gEt s0mE oNe heLp~!hAha

[ - 15 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 18 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 25 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

*~+ bUsY dAy +~*

t0daY iS a dAmE buSy dAy~! m0rNinG wAke uP t0 hElp wAsH cloTheS dEn c0oK~! aFtEr tT pRay bc0z oF gh0sT feStiVal~! bUt wE gEt t0 wAtcH mEaN gAls 0n cAble tV~! bUt sTiLl s0 bOreD~! sIaNz~! cAmE h0mE t0 tAk a NaP n g0 bAcK f0r diNneR~! tIs tImE wE mAnAgE t0 cAtcH aI qInG m0 fA sHi on cAbLe...hAha~! bUt b4 wE c0uLd fiNiSh e sHoW wE nEeD t0 g0 h0mE liAo~! s0 sa0 xIng~!

bAcK h0mE~! i mAnaGeD t0 sEnD oUt 6/10 oF mY suRvEy f0Rms~! sTilL g0t 4 m0rE t0 g0~! i AsKeD sHaWn, SaM, SiN hWeE t0 fiLl iN e YeS pArt whEreAs cHiAn LiN, JaYt0n anD lil0nG fiLl iN e n0 pArt~!

i Ve cReAteD a FiLm Lo0p thr0ugH ph0t0buCkeT n a sLiDesh0w wiF e heLp oF r0cKy0u~! i pLaCeD e sLiDesh0w aT e mAiN pAge wiF aLl e m3-t0-y0u b3aR i vE~! dEn whErE e fiLmLo0p go?! hAhA~! oF c0uRsE iS e m3m0riEs LaNe~! e Lo0p c0nSist oF sQuAsh ph0toS~! tT's Y iS iN m3m0riEs LaNe~!

i M n0w finDinG h0w t0 pUt mUsIc Int0 mY bl0g~! h0pe cAn d0 iT~!

[ - 16 dAys t0 22 AuGusT aLl0wAnCe, 19 dAy t0 eXamiNati0n 26 dAyS t0 mY b'dAe - ]

KaReN's b'DaE
Sunday, August 06, 2006, it's 1:55:00 am.

fiNalLy i g0t My bl0g...i mAnaGeD t0 fiNd s0mE sKin i LiK...mE-t0-y0u beAr~! s0mEh0w thEre'S s0mE pr0bleM wiF my bl0g...i Can't vIeW mY 0wN bl0g~! wAds g0iNg 0n?!

t0daY iS kAr3n's 17th b'Dae~! wE wEnT t0 cHai cheE dun0 wAd Cc's kTv to SinG..s0 chEap c0mParEd t0 kB0x~! $6 pEr peRs0n + 1 frEe DriNk~! n wE geT t0 siNg 4 hRs~! s0 wE saNg to 7pM...b4 tT wE wEnt t0 KaLlanG t0 hElp JiA ba0 cho0sE rAckEt~! eNd uP i Lik vIpeR tt rAckeT~! Is LiK muCh p0wErfuL thaN mY rAckeT siA~! i WaNa buY buT n0 m0neY~!JiA Ba0 eNd uP bouGht hAo mIng's n BrAndOn's rAcket~! LigHtnIng II i Tink~! haHa..sHe aLmoSt bOuGht mY rAckEt~! 1St tIme i w0rE sKiRt pLay SquAsh~! s0 bU fAng BiAn~!

AfTer tt, We wEnt to bEd0k meEt kaRen but wE wEnt t0 buY cAke~! MaNgo CakE~! dEn wE wEnt to e dUn0 wAd BoX to sInG~! s0 Shy t0 siNg wiF s0 mAnY people~! bUt fuN~! wE gaVE KaRen a HilTeR sWiMsuIt aS prEsent~! dEn cHeN Kai s0 sWeEt, giF KaRen a bEar wraPpeD LiK a bouQuet (wrAppeD bY fAng Lu)~! iS f0reVa friEndS bEAr~! s0 sWeet~! shaWn n ChenKai nv siNG 1~! JiAbAO siNg liK so Damn NIce..mElvin n KaRen SanG as Well~! faNg Lu CaMe LAtA buT maNagEd to Sing...i leFt at 6 ToOk a TaXi to Ah Ma HsE~!

wE haD stEamb0at 4 DinNer~! wE vE t0 teAch PeI wEn h0w t0 crAck aN eGg..0mG~! 1sT tRy failed (dEr GoeS ShAng Yu's EgG)..2nD tRy SuCceEd wiF mY MoM's HeLp~! BuT wE do vE fUn aT e taBle~! n wAtched suPerBanD aT ah MA hse n MiLo Bing w0n~! 1st ComPetiti0n ThaT a c0nteSt ThAt sUrviVed e rEviVal r0uNd n w0n aS ChaMps~! mIl0 BiNg r0X~!

[ - 17 dAyS t0 22th AuGuSt alLoWanCe - ]

randomly defined.


shut up.
